Raymond Roggero x David Hilliard

Discovering Familial and General Legacy cover
Discovering Familial and General Legacy spread
Discovering Familial and General Legacy back cover

Raymond Roggero, Discovering Familial and General Legacy (2022) inspired by David Hilliard, Photographs (2005)

Artist Statement:

I am interested in how things and people will be remembered. My work revolves around this theme of legacy, from abandoned sites to my own family and distant relatives whom I have never had the chance to meet. It can be said that my photographic process is about finding meaning in the past and how it meshes with the future. But I have found that this process has also given me meaning along the journey.

The complexities in the work of photographer David Hilliard struck me during a visit to the Yancey Richardson Gallery during my first year at SVA. The exhibition, titled Just So, allowed me to connect with the photographs and encouraged my enthusiasm for the medium of photography to a greater degree. Inspired by Hilliard’s work, I designed my book influenced by his book titled, Photographs. Hilliard’s tableaux of friends and family in the form of diptychs and triptychs inspired my still life and collage pieces, as well as my landscape photos.

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