Maizy Shepherd x Susan Meiselas

Our Bodies are Falling Apart and I Think I Will Follow You Very Soon cover
Our Bodies are Falling Apart and I Think I Will Follow You Very Soon  spread
Our Bodies are Falling Apart and I Think I Will Follow You Very Soon  back cover

Maizy Shepherd, Our Bodies are Falling Apart and I Think I Will Follow You Very Soon (2022) inspired by Susan Meiselas, Carnival Strippers (2003)

Artist Statement:

In private reflection, Susan Meiselas's Carnival Strippers embodies the photographer and subject's strange and captivating entanglement. I understood Meiselas's commitment to the women she documented and I desired to learn how she created a collaborative body of work. Carnival Strippers is a shared document between photographer and subject through discussions and dedication. The inspiration to create a photo book that extends the frame of a portrait is defined by and derivative of Susan Meiselas's historical book.

Artist Website | Instagram