Madge Yang x Walid Raad

Alien Minors cover
Alien Minors spread
Alien Minors back cover

Madge Yang, Alien Minors (2022) inspired by Walid Raad, Walid Raad (2015)

Artist Statement:

Walid Raad's practice in altering photographs, utilizing found images and creating larger compositions that cartographically represent the political climate in Lebanon is a highly detailed practice that inspired the approach to my book, Alien Minors. Raad's fictional group, The Atlas Group, created works that utilized mixed media to create a visual and written narrative on the larger topic of those in Lebanon affected by the civil war. This diaristic and intimate portrayal of historical documents is how I've chosen to tell my story amongst the consequences of the Cold War in my life, a struggle that has resulted in millions of conflicted national identities.

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