Kiara Terrero x Karlheinz Weinberger

Through My Lenz cover
Through My Lenz spread
Through My Lenz back cover

Kiara Terrero, Through My Lenz: By Kiara Terrero (2022) inspired by Karlheinz Weinberger, Karlheinz Weinberger - Volume 3 Mediterraneo (2021)

Artist Statement:

Karlheinz Weinberger's Volume 3 Mediterraneo inspired me in the process of making my book. I admired how he formatted the pages, having two pages spread for one photo and using the spaces of the book to pile up images, where they become vivid and connect with each other. I was also very drawn to the subject matter that Weinberger focused on, capturing the queer youth and teen community in the Mediterranean. But there was also a sense that Weinberger's book could be viewed from a fashion perspective. This book made me think a lot about how I wanted to create my book. I wanted to tell a story through my photos, from being a New York City native to being very inspired by fashion photography, particularly with the subjects I met through my photographic journey.

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