Gabrielle Ghzala LaGuerre x Elinor Carucci

Through Mami's Eyes cover
Through Mami's Eyes spread
Through Mami's Eyes

Gabrielle Ghzala LaGuerre, Through Mami's Eyes (2022) inspired by Elinor Carucci, Midlife (2019)

Artist Statement:

Through Mami’s Eyes, which documents intimate moments with my mother as she struggled through illness during the Covid-19 pandemic, is influenced by Elinor Carucci’s Midlife. Carucci’swork, spanning a seven-year journey through the everyday changes of womanhood, inspired me to capture raw moments of my mom living through pain, solitude, uncertainty, and fear. Just as Carucci was drawn to personal stories and family photography, it was important for me to create a visual diary of this unique time that connected all of us. Most importantly, my mom’s story reminds me of the strong threads that run through the women of my family and the power of the human spirit.

Artist Instagram