Ashley McLean x Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Against The Tilt cover
Against The Tilt spread
Against The Tilt back cover

Ashley McLean, Against The Tilt (2022) inspired by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Under Song For A Cipher (2017)

Artist Statement:

I aim to create images that hold a moment in time that is both tender and mundane. Lynette Yiadom-Boakye's paintings of fictional figures are rendered in spaces you can't identify, which the viewer can sense as timeless. Her approach to not breaching a fixed setting motivated me to be intentional in not planting my subjects in a time and space. For me, this meticulous decision-making aids in building this relationship with the viewer that isn't necessarily strict on a narrative, but rather a visceral response to the work.

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